
woensdag 18 april 2018

On the main Anthroposophy Group in Facebook, a member named Douglas Gabriel (DG) made several controversial claims. Some of these Claims were:

- Claiming to be born clairvoyant
- Receiving the stigmata
- Having a Saul Damascus experience. (A Meeting with the etheric Christ.)
- Being an exorcist within the Catholic Church. During the exorcisms, chairs would fly through the room just like several Hollywood movies.
- An anthroposophist spy for the Jesuits
- DG and his wife had conversations with the great initiate Christian Rosenkreuz plus many more such experiences. (At least in some interviews dealing with alternative political subjects such as aimfortruth and anonymous patriots, DG’s claims and behavior were recognized as ridiculous)

Now, if any of his claims (on the FB Anthroposophical group) were questioned, his posts and comments mysteriously vanished. DG vehemently denied being responsible and accused everyone of lying. Furthermore, he attacked any criticism that wasn’t to his liking with a character assassination.

Because this happened several times, some members took it upon themselves to copy some of his content.. It should be clear that the contributor who gathered the following texts on this blog, is not a fan of Douglas Gabriel. Not the individuality of DG but the content named neo-anthroposophy that serves to undermine and thwart actual Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy. All of the above has contributed to DG being banned from the FB Anthroposophy group.

Postings from Douglas Gabriel in the Anthroposophy group on Facebook
and the original discussions around it.
Douglas Gabriel Original Posts
False Prophet Thread / Jesuit Spies
Douglas Gabriel Original Posts ................................................................................................................ 1
False Prophet Thread / Jesuit Spies ................................................................................................. 1
Are there Antichrists and False Prophets in Anthroposophy? ............................................................ 2
Are There Jesuit Spies in Anthroposophy? ........................................................................................ 62
ARE THERE JESUIT SPIES IN ANTHROPOSOPHY? ............................................................................... 70
Anthroposophy - Cult of the Personality or Guru Devotion? .......................................................... 121
My Report to Fellow Anthroposophists as a Spy in the Society of Jesus ........................................ 154
Did Rudolf Steiner channel the masters? ........................................................................................ 157
Encounter with Masters and St Germain ........................................................................................ 192
DISCLAIMER/WARNING ................................................................................................................... 216
Refouting the big bang theory ........................................................................................................ 2182

pity the whole pdf document Icannot place here but if you are interested i can sent the whole pdf file

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